Industry News

Why the Streaming Wars Are Great News For Your SVOD Service

By Aarushi Singh
5 Min Read
SVOD streaming wars

“The streaming wars.”

Sound ominous, doesn’t it?

It seems like everyone has their own streaming service right now. And, if you were to listen to the news, you’d think it would mean doom and gloom for your business.  

But don’t let the headlines fool you – when it comes to the streaming world, it’s less of a war and more of a party where everyone is winning. ?

And guess what? You’re invited!

For video entrepreneurs and SVOD owners across the board, the streaming wars present a great opportunity.

Here’s why the streaming wars are boosting the profits of platforms big and small, and how you too can make the most of this phenomenon.

Why Everyone is Winning in the Streaming Wars

We all know that too much content can be a bad thing.

Having multiple subscriptions and a never-ending catalog of content to work through can make customers feel overwhelmed and suffer from conditions like content shock.

Industry news would often have you believe this results in people reducing the number of subscriptions they have, sticking to just one or two main providers.

But that’s not the case…

New research shows that consumers have become more comfortable paying for multiple subscriptions at a time.

Netflix’s most recent subscriber count reached a whopping 167 million across 190 countries.

Amazon also disclosed that Prime Video users have been watching twice as much of their original content.

And Disney+? The newcomer has amassed nearly 30 million subscribers since its launch back in November.

But why are users throwing their cash at all these streaming platforms?

Well, for starters, they all offer exclusive, cherished content that can’t be found elsewhere.

This means the average person will pay for:

  • Hulu: where they can watch all of Seinfeld
  • Disney+: when they are in need of a Pixar marathon
  • Netflix: for their binges of addictive series like Stranger Things and The Crown.

And this phenomenon presents an excellent opportunity for you.

How to Capitalize on the Streaming Wars with Your Own OTT Apps

The numbers are in.

Studies show that the average consumer subscribes to three streaming platforms, with interesting content being the top reason people stick a service. 

Just like they do for Netflix, Hulu, and Prime Video, viewers are willing to pay for your unique content.

The success and accessibility of these OTT platforms have helped users become more familiar and comfortable with the SVOD model.

This ‘Netflix Effect’ has created a gateway for users to indulge in all other kinds of exciting video content beyond entertainment.

So whether your thing is yoga, arts, teaching, or you want to create your own course – if you’re creating compelling original content, you could be making over $5k a month right now. 

Now, it isn’t as simple as just creating a platform and making high-quality videos. It’s your unique voice and content niche which will ultimately make your video business profitable!

If you want to learn more about how to find your content niche, we have a perfect guide on how to do just that.

Is Your Video Content
Niche Enough?

Niche content

SVOD Success Beyond Netflix

Many video entrepreneurs have found success by launching their own SVOD platforms. This allows them to not only be in full creative control of their content but to also boost their revenue.

Here at Uscreen, we’re lucky to work with many unique and engaging video businesses and help them monetize their content through this model.

Some great examples include:

  • Find What Feels Good: Where YouTuber Adriene Mishler from Yoga with Adriene delivers comprehensive yoga and meditation content.
  • Your Book of Memories: The DIY Arts and Crafts outlet of Frances Long, who went from earning $380/month on YouTube to $4K/month with Uscreen.
  • Magic Stream: The Netflix of magic, proving the future of learning is online with magic courses streaming across devices. 

These are all proof that you can make a living selling your videos online without directly competing with mega streaming services like Netflix or Hulu.

In fact, the average monthly income for video businesses that use Uscreen is $5k/month.

How to Sell Videos Online and Make Over $5k a Month (For Real)

How to sell videos online

Let’s Get Streaming!

By now, we’ve discovered something very exciting and important: When it comes to content, folks are willing to pay for more than just one platform.

And you don’t need to be behind a big network or service to make a profit.

By creating engaging and entertaining content within your SVOD service, you too can make the most of this exciting time in history.

This, along with OTT apps for your viewers to stream across platforms and devices, will further solidify your success as a video entrepreneur.

Don’t miss out on the party – streaming is now for everyone, by everyone.

The OTT Digital Gold Rush:

Why Now Is The Best Time To Launch OTT Apps

OTT app and OTT apps